The Mizuno Select Belted Low Rise Fastpitch Pant is one of the bestselling softball pants today, and certainly it looks great.
But when it comes to fast pitch softball it takes more than just aesthetics as the pants need to be flexible so it doesn’t get in the way your game.
Some of these pants don’t live up to such expectations. The Select Low Rise is an exception to the rule, and here are the reasons why.
Features of the Mizuno Select Belted Low Rise Fastpitch Pant
The Mizuno Select belted low rise fastpitch softball pants have some interesting features. What immediately catches your eyes is the low rise fit that is clearly designed for women.
The design from an aesthetic point of view is very nice, but more importantly, it’s very functional and helps with your game a lot as the fitting is proper.
These pants may look like the usual stuff you wear. A closer inspection will reveal that it has additional padding, ideal when you’re playing the game for long stretches.
If that’s all there was to the pants it would be more than enough, but the Mizuno Select also has a couple of set in back pockets, double layer knees and a tunnel belt loop waistband.
How Comfortable is it?
The Mizuno Select belted low rise womens fastpitch pant is very comfortable, as it is made of 100% polyester and double knit. It doesn’t suffer from the problems that other pants do. These pants don’t get too hot when worn for extended periods of time.
These pants also don’t tighten up the way others do after repeated use. They’re very easy to clean and maintain as well.
If you read softball pants reviews, you’ll notice that one of the most common complaints people have is that they’re very hard to maintain and that after a few washes the material deteriorates.
But that’s not the case here, as the Mizuno Select was clearly manufactured for heavy duty use. In other words, don’t worry that the material will wear off as it won’t.
At this point you’re probably wondering why these pants are made of polyester and not of other materials.
Well, there’s a good reason for that, and mainly it’s because polyester is suitable for girls’ fast pitch softball.
Unlike pure cotton or silk, polyester can withstand rough contact, sliding, diving etc.
While the Mizuno Select does well in the durability department, it doesn’t lack in comfort.
Because the material comes with ventilation, you won’t feel any discomfort even when you’re playing under a hot summer sky, something that other softball pants have trouble with.
If you play fast pitch softball on a regular basis, you have probably had the chance to wear hot, ill-fitting pants and know how difficult it can be.
Simply put, poorly ventilated pants make it hard for you to focus on the game. That feature alone makes the Mizuno worth considering.
Finally, the added padding makes a difference so overall, the Mizuno manages to provide both comfort and functionality in one package, and at a reasonable price at that.
Mizuno fastpitch pants have received lots of positive feedback mostly due to the following reasons:
- Fits comfortably
- The pants are roomy
- Extra padding for the buttocks provide protection
- Doesn’t wear out quickly
Mizuno softball pants are great, but it’s not without issues, albeit minor:
- The look may not appeal to everyone
- Cheaper pants are available, though to be fair, these pants are a good deal considering the quality
What Customers Say About These Fastpitch Softball Pants
Fastpitch softball pants from Mizuno often get favorable reviews, and it’s something that should be expected given its features.
Here are a few of those reviews:
Natasha has this to say:
- I bought these pants a while back and I absolutely love it. The padding is perfect and I feel very comfortable in these. I highly recommend it and will buy another one.
Shannon of Milwaukee says:
- I was looking for a durable pair of pants to wear when I play and my cousin recommended this. I’ve been wearing this for more than a week now and I have to say that it’s a very good fit. I was a bit worried it would feel tight when I wear it during a game, but it’s been very flexible so far.
Rita of Delaware also bought these pants and wrote this in her review:
- What I like about these pants is they’re very roomy. One of the reasons why I bought these pants in the first place is that my old pair just felt too tight and didn’t give me my thighs and waist room to move. I have to say that this is really a nice fit.
Patricia of Philadelphia posted the following review:
- I love these pants, beautifully designed, the material is very strong and it’s the right fit for my figure. I’ve been wearing this for softball practice and I feel so comfortable.
These are among the many reviews about the Mizuno that have been posted on the web, and the vast majority agree with the views above.
The consensus among these customers is that these pants are well-designed, comfortable and provide a good fit for females.
Many reviewers have also pointed out, rightly, that the Mizuno pants are designed for women with different figures and not just those with athletic bodies.
That’s actually one of the shortcomings of most other pants as they seem to be designed solely for the athletic types.
Clearly Mizuno knew this coming in so they made these pants roomier, and it’s clearly hit a positive chord with customers.
Conclusion on the Mizuno Select Belted Low Rise Fastpitch Pant
All too often, pants are neglected in fast pitch softball as most of the attention is focused on the gloves, bats and cleats.
But you can’t ignore pants because if they don’t fit well, it’s going to have a significant effect on your game.
But with the Mizuno Select Belted Low Rise Fastpitch Pant though, it’s not going to be a problem, allowing you to focus on the game at hand.
Last update on 2025-03-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API